Senior Fullstack Developer
iCombine UG; Tue, 01 Feb 2022 -> Wed, 31 Aug 2022
iCombine helps to connect experts to the right project roles, trainings and peers
With it you can easily define search criteria and quickly find people from the talent pool with matching skills, interest and availability.
With iCombine you set up the perfect team for each assignment. Identify training needs and connect experts for continuous development.
I'm very honored to be able to help the team migrate the existing AngularJS software stack to React, using a bottom up approach which combines existing AngularJS components and new React components into one application for the duration of the migration process.
I'll also be able to again work with Scala and the Lift web application framework.
Senior Fullstack Developer
ScaledAgile, Inc; Wed, 01 May 2019 -> Fri, 07 Jan 2022
ScaledAgile Collaborate (formerly Conteneo Weave) is an online collaboration and planning platform. The backend uses PostgreSQL, Scala and Lift, containerization and AWS. The frontend is built with Angular. While legacy AngularJS 1 code exists, new features use a new frontend centric Angular 12 / Typescript architecture within a NX workspace.
During the last 2 years we expanded Collaborate's reach considerably by intergrating collaborative planning features, such as remote PI planning or online training classes.
- Letter of RecommendationDan O' Leary, VP, Software Engineering, Scaled Agile, Inc., Fri, 07 Jan 2022
- Letter of RecommendationMadison Fisher, Scrum Master, Scaled Agile, Inc., Fri, 07 Jan 2022
- Letter of RecommendationJohn Hiemstra, User Experience Lead, Scaled Agile, Inc., Fri, 07 Jan 2022
Senior Software Developer
Ascendant, Inc; Mon, 01 Jul 2013 -> Thu, 28 Feb 2019
In a small team of awesomely great developers we implement a suite of tools using best of breed frameworks like AngularJS for the frontend. The backend server is developed as a set of Scala applications on top of the Lift web framework. We use the MongoDB database.
- Letter of RecommendationNeil Visnapuu, Managing Director, Ascendant, Mon, 18 Mar 2019
Scala & Lift Consultant
Twisp, Inc; Fri, 01 Mar 2013 -> Mon, 01 Jul 2013

For a client I'm developing a Lift based information engine application.
Scala & Lift Consultant
Underscore Consulting; Thu, 01 Nov 2012 -> Mon, 01 Apr 2013
I was in charge of developing part of a Scala / Lift client application together with a really cool team of Underscore developers.
- Senior Software Consultant for the TagTrail projectRichard Dallaway, Partner Underscore Consulting LLP
We worked with Torsten in on an innovative real-time interactive NFC platform for a US corporation. It was a pleasure to work with him. He brought technical knowledge, especially with Lift, Scala, and Angular. He worked with the customer to understand their needs. As well as generally contributing to the project, he took on responsibility for (and delivered) a rich reporting tool.
Senior Software Developer
Sgrouples, Inc; Thu, 01 Sep 2011 -> Sat, 01 Sep 2012
With a small bunch of other high profile developers we develop the social groups platform (now:
- Letter of RecommendationJonathan Wolfe, Chief Scientist, Sat, 01 Sep 2012
JSF Developer
1822direct Sparkasse; Wed, 01 Apr 2009 -> Wed, 01 Jul 2009
Development of a JSF(Java Server Faces) front end for an in house application to manage correspondence to their customers. We used Tomcat 5, JBoss and JSF 1.2 with MyFaces for development and deployment.
Software Developer
T-Systems SL SI; Sat, 01 Jan 2005 -> Thu, 01 Sep 2011
As a contractor for T-Systems I was involved in numerous projects:
I maintained a mid sized Eclipse RCP application that is used in-house in the test department. The application is developed using these technologies: Eclipse RCP EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework Teneo: Database persistence using Hibernate and Oracle for EMF models JDBC: lower level JDBC programming for a number of features that need direct db access
I extended an already existing migration framework (which I helped develop some years ago) which is designed for the transformation of mass data.
One part of the assignment is to extend the core functionality of the framework to fit the current requirements.
One of my other tasks was the creation of an Eclipse RCP application for the existing DSL (Domain Specific Language). Eclipse Plugins had been written using the XText framework to lift the weight of writing XML files from the authors of the business rules. They now get an updatable RCP application delivered to their machines which they use to write business rules in a domain specific and environmentally clean language. The application will then generate the XML for them.
Create and extend a Perl based test framework. A complex framework allows quick creation of new test scenarios that will be executed in a distributed manner on Unix machines. I also extended a number of test tools that were developed as Eclipse RCP applications using the Eclipse EMF framework.
Design and development of a high performance data extraction application. The application would read data from multiple Oracle schemas, aggregates it and distributes it into multiple files and other databases. The application needs to process millions of records in just a few hours. This level of performance was only possible with careful design and multi threading.
We developed a fairly complex application that would generate invoices using LaTeX and send them - optionally signed and encrypted - by email to the customer. The application was designed to run in multiple processes, possibly distributed across multiple machines. The distributed C++ components used Corba to communicate. Data was stored in a Oracle database. There also was a self service website written Java and servlet (yuck) technology.
- Projekt C++ und Java-Programmierung, 07/98 - 03/02Projektleiter, T-Systems, Mon, 03 Jan 2005
Der Consultant kennt sich gut mit C++ und Java aus, er arbeitet souverän mit den Konzepten objektorientierter Programmierung. Alle Arbeiten wurden zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit termingerecht fertiggestellt. Über die konkrete Programmieraufgabe hinaus bewies der Consultant im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit ein hohes Engagement. Durch ihn wurden Fehler und Verbesserungspotentiale in Anforderungen und Umsetzung aufgezeigt. Er unterstützte seine Kollegen auch über seinen Aufgabenbereich hinaus. Die Zusammenarbeit war sehr angenehm, der Consultant war eine Bereicherung für das Projektteam. Ich würde sehr gern wieder mit dem Consultant zusammenarbeiten.
- Projekt Verschiedene Projekte im Bereich C++ und Java, 11/96 - 01/05Project Center Team Leiter, T-Systems GEI GmbH, Thu, 03 Feb 2005
Der Freiberufler verfügt über ein sehr breites Spektrum technologischen Wissens. Als Architekt und Entwickler arbeitete er souverän mit den Konzepten objektorientierter Programmierung. Alle Arbeiten wurden zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit termingerecht fertiggestellt. Über die konkrete Programmieraufgabe hinaus bewies er im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit ein sehr hohes Engagement. Durch ihn wurden Fehler und Verbesserungspotentiale in Anforderungen und Umsetzung aufgezeigt. Er unterstützte seine Kollegen auch über seinen Aufgabenbereich hinaus. Die Zusammenarbeit war sehr angenehm. Er war eine Bereicherung für das Projektteam.